Now is the time of the year when everyone gets all worked up over a number, the truth is from 11:59 on December 31, 2013 to 12:00 on January 1, 2014 we will still be the same, unless we, ourselves change things. Unfortunately a change in a calendar month or year won't fix all your problems, get rid of your not so pleasant habits, give you all the things you have always wished for, get you good friends and partners, or make you the amazing human being you have always wanted to be.
However this is not a rant about our New Year's resolutions, nor as depressing as I may have already made it sound like. I actually just feel like reminding myself of something I want to keep reminding myself everyday for the rest of my life. Not just for what remains of 2013: We are what we have thought, said and done. And the only way we can change our lives is by changing things now, not waiting for 12:00 AM on the 1st of January to come and expect some kind of external power to change our lives.
I am no saint, nor have I reached every goal I've set for myself this year, nor have I fulfilled every dream I've ever had but this year definitely showed me in very tangible ways that I can change things starting with daily actions that get me out of my lazy and conformist states of mind.
I am happy to reach this symbolic finish line, because I have been inspired by amazing friends who are compassionate, intelligent, strong, talented, passionate, hardworking and persistent in their causes and lives. Friends and family who guided me but didn't keep me from figuring out that I'm the on who needs to get my shit together and that I'm actually able to do it.
But more than having been inspired by their words, I was inspired by their actions. By friends who like anyone else, had great accomplishments, as well as shitty moments in 2013 but looked for new ways and kept working their butts off, bringing limitless new possibilities to their beautiful lives and those of others around them. I'm grateful for all of the people and situations this year. You're truly amazing, inspiring and helpful beyond words!
I have many goals like everyone else, and I'm very excited and motivated because I have already started working on them and just wish that they will bloom in 2014. Some of my goals are very generic, but what can we do if we all wish for happiness and health in our lives?
This year I lost 35 pounds and will lose the remaining 25 in 2014; I have been studying German for a semester and doing duolingo daily and hope to be able to hold a conversation in German by July; some friends and I started a 30 day meditation challenge that turned into a 120+ day challenge and I wish to finish prostrations this year; I wrote songs, arranged and performed music with friends in 2013 and hope to further my music career in 2014; I let go of difficult situations and wish to have the wisdom to keep doing this and open up to better situations and possibilities in 2014.
There are always new things to hope and wish for, but I'm happy to reach this symbolic finish line knowing I'm not starting from scratch, but I still have the possibility to change things and accomplish good things. Wish you all the best: limitless opportunities in your career and life, good health to you and your loved ones, and enough stability to face challenges with wisdom and compassion.
Much love!